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Cogmind Beta 10 "Warlord Forever!"

The full ambient soundscape is here, and it's not alone! Beta 10 also comes with expanded bothacking abilities, two more alternate endings, many more types of drones, and of course lots of other features to improve the overall experience.
Diving right in here...
(Note: Beta 10 is far too large to fit the entire release notes in a Reddit post, so I've had to share the changelog here as an image rather than text. For a normal view of the full release notes, see this same announcement on the forums!)
Saves from earlier versions are incompatible with Beta 10, but even if you're on Steam and Cogmind automatically updates, Beta 9.6 is still available via its own legacy branch and you can roll back to finish a run in progress first if you like.

Ambient Soundscape

You can now fully hear the world of Cogmind!
Cogmind has always had a ton of sound effects that help bring the world to life, but as far as continuous tracks go, for many years we've only had a few ambient sounds emitted by special machines and sample mapwide tracks in a couple maps as a test. Now all named machines have their own audio, as do all the maps!
Hear an array of Construction Platforms at work in the Factory, the rumble of a Megafabricator in the distance, Plasma Injectors down in the Mines, the hum of Power Conduits, busy Mainframes echoing throughout the Research branches, and so much more.
Aside from thematic mapwide drones that meld everything together, when you're not blasting robots and using the interface the audio experience is primarily defined by environmental factors, yet another new facet of Cogmind's emphasis on immersion.
I wrote an in-depth article about the content and process behind Building Cogmind’s Ambient Soundscape (visual overview).
Related to the expansion of Cogmind's audio content we have an important new advanced option, muteAudioOnFocusLoss, which you might want to turn on if you do a lot of Alt-Tabbing and prefer that Cogmind not continue playing its audio while you're in some other window. We might want that to be on by default, but it's off for now since I need to make sure it doesn't mess anything up first :P (it seems okay so far, anyway--I've been using it for a while now, but that's just me).
The soundscape is also fully accessible in text form as well, a new feature that will benefit both those who can't turn up the volume or simply want the extra visual reinforcement enabled by being able to also "read" all the audio sources. This is made possible via a new Audio Log, off by default but toggled in the options menu.
There's a summary of Audio Log features and behavior in the manual, or if you want an even more in-depth look at how the system was built you can check out the article I wrote on the topic: Audio Accessibility Features for Roguelikes (visual overview).
The install size of the game has definitely gone up as a result of all the new audio, by a whopping 50%! It wasn't exactly huge to begin with, but with Beta 10 we're going from 30MB to 45MB.

New Endings

We have two new endings, bringing us to a total of nine different ways to win! I won't spoil the new ones here except to say that they're both a part of the extended game, and to point out the obvious, that yes the "expanded Warlord arc" indicated in the changelog is what you've been waiting for if you're one of us Warlord fans. Warlord forever! (Hopefully...)
Each of the new endings presents new challenges beyond what was already in the game, and of course as with the other seven, they each come with their own unique animated ending sequence. A ton of work went into these endings as a whole, and based on initial feedback from patrons they seem to have turned out pretty well. I even had to add a whole new type of UI window to enable you to trigger access to one of the new endings--you'll know it when you see it ;)
On a related note, I've also expanded some NPC interactions that people have wanted to see over the years. Under the right circumstances it's been possible to get certain major NPCs to meet each other, but in the past they wouldn't take notice or otherwise react in any way. Now they do, usually with consequences :P

Drones and AI

There was a decent list of optional features to consider for Beta 10, and this time patrons voted to prioritize a drone mechanics rework together with a significant expansion of the types of drones available. It's turned out pretty nicely, resolving what I saw as some longstanding issues while adding fun new options at the same time.
Importantly, the new additions are not simply "drone with guns A, drone with guns B, etc.", or even drones using just standard tech, but instead come with unique features or behavior that can enable special strategies, or at least just be really fun to use--launch decoys, self-guided bombs, your own posse of thieves, drones that do your hacking for you, and more!
Drone Bay Basics
The most fundamental change with respect to drones is that you must have an attached and functional matching type of bay in order to use them. The bay does not actually need to be active, however (activating a bay is simply a way to launch drones). There are a number of implied changes connected to this one, including:
If you remove the necessary drone bay (or it's destroyed xD), all related drones will take on the new "Unconnected" status and shut down. You lose the FOV info, but can gain it back again immediately by attaching an appropriate bay.
This requirement really opened up the drone space for more possibilities and was pivotal in making the new drones much more interesting since the bay becomes a part of the requirement for using them, meaning we can get more powerful/numerous drones because the bay itself can be huge or heavy as a balancing factor to compensate :)
One surely welcome QoL under this new system is that if you have multiple matching drone bays and the attached one is full, drones can actually return to those which are currently in your inventory, as long as one has sufficient space.
Less Micro
Overall there'll be less micromanagement involved with drones, and in some cases other allies as well, with the biggest change being the complete removal of the GOTO order! That feature just encouraged a lot of micromanagement to get the most out of allies, especially drones which could then be carefully moved around to explore manually in some cases, and would often be optimal but tedious (i.e. not good). (Even after the removal you can technically still get them generally where you want by using a combination of movement, waiting, and STAY orders, though this incurs a time cost which can be prohibitive except when very important.)
This encouraged me to make some improvements to the AI as well, most importantly that unarmed followers will slightly trail behind rather than gathering around your current location. And they'll be smart about retreating ahead of you if you're retreating, too, generally keeping them out of the line of fire (unless you're suddenly ambushed from behind, or surrounded, in which case good luck :P).
Drones and all allies will also really do their best to avoid stepping on known traps now. It turns out that although they would never path through traps, they might sometimes decide to stand on one if you were hanging around near it long enough.
Fleeing drones will now always RETURN automatically, rather than running around wildly, so it'll be easier to get them back and they'll be much more likely to survive longer. By extension, any disarmed combat drones will also automatically return, possibly improving their lifespan as well. The potential drawback here is that they might lead enemies right back to your position! Of course if you're not there when the enemies finally arrive then it's all good anyway... (or you can choose to sacrifice the drone by removing the bay to disconnect it and then you'll be fine, too)
Drone QoL
One long-requested new feature is the ability to have the map view follow a drone as it moves. You can easily cycle through your drones using the normal Enter key (or center mouse button), which highlights them and their FOV. You can just use this to more easily check where they are, or even pass turns while focused on them and watch as they explore even distant areas.
The allies menu system got some upgrades, too:
Acquiring Drones
A majority of the new drone bays are available in the early game, although every single type except for one is a unique part, so you won't be seeing all of them in the same run. Less unique drones with similar mechanics might be available in the future (for example via Merchants!), but there's currently no good place to add them yet so I decided it would be better to make the bays unique so they could be especially useful or fun.
Many are available in the Mines via a new prefab encounter, and the rest are scattered about in other plot areas. One is a regular 0b10 prototype bay.

RIF Expansion

For all the Botlord builds out there, the pool of potential robot hacking abilities has been expanded from 9 to 15. Half of the new ones can be obtained multiple times to increase their effectiveness.
(Skip this section if you want to discover them on your own!)
Here's an overview of what's new...


You can ram walls and machines now! Doing this is will mess you up pretty bad and there are warnings against it, of course, to help prevent you from smashing your face into that adjacent nuclear reactor, although if you're getting really desperate and squads are gathering around, this might actually be a good idea ;)
So it's there if you need it. This also provides a last ditch way out of escaping situations in which you've accidentally allowed Engineers to entomb you without any weapons to escape :P
Ramming like this uses the same old force melee commands.
We also have a more controversial mechanical adjustment in terms of using melee weapons in dug out spaces. For a number of reasons being able to safely dig winding tunnels could be pretty cheesy, even more so using them to fight pursuers. Projectile weapons could cause instant cave-ins when used like this from within unstable areas, but not melee weapons. Now all weapons are treated the same in this regard. The chance of melee attacks causing a cave-in are lower than, say, a kinetic cannon, but it is no longer completely safe to do so.
In terms of tunnel combat I imagine the effect of this change is less of an issue for players since that practice probably wasn't as widespread, though this does also affect the ability to dig consecutively through multiple spaces with a melee weapon, which will no doubt cause concern for some stealth builds which will need to consider alternative options if they can't risk a cave-in.
In any case, we'll see how things turn out, but stealth is already super effective and melee digging in particular was only one small part of that effectiveness.


Trackers have been nerfed. See the multiple changelog lines regarding them :P
The changes essentially mean they'll be a bit slower to catch up to you, and also have to be within view before they can open fire. Technically this is also an indirect nerf to builds that liked to farm Trackers and take their OP gear to turn it agaist 0b10, but players who could do that were few and far in between (in Rogue mode, at least xD).
We also have some OP weapon nerfs, specifically the Firepult and Guided EMP Blaster. Both are still good, but were definitely way too good earlier. The Firepult nerf in particular was planned to happen eventually, but don't worry, it's still quite good, just can't be used indefinitely because the idea behind most EX-tech was that it's stuff which is fun and effective to play with through the early/mid-game rather than become something you stash away to help crush the extended game :P. Some other Exiles parts will likely be revisited in the next release for updating as well (they were intentionally made OP when first introduced basically just for fun, since you can't get them every run anyway).
Impact weapons got a situational buff across the board, since all walls and reinforced barriers are now weaker against them.
I made some changes to the Access garrison situation, namely removing the original extremely deadly result of visiting one, a nasty surprise for anyone doing it their first time that was probably not survivable for most builds. The origial effect (instant Max Security!), was my first reaction to Pimski trying to loop indefinitely since it was an easy way to use the game's existing content to mostly discourage or outright block that possibility. Now there's a much less deadly result specifically for that situation.
Going inside that garrison itself has gotten more dangerous, however--I mean it's Access, right?! :)


Our favorite three-letter combo around here!
We've got some useful new protective warnings, including most importantly a warning if you're attempting to attack from a position that might cause a cave-in as a result, since it can be easy to that accidentally in the heat of battle. (This warning also includes melee attacks, as per the earlier mechanical change mentioned earlier.) There's also a warning if your attempted line of fire is blocked by another robot, since a fair number of people don't seem to notice that as readily, especially if the situation is changing as a lot of bots are moving around during combat (note that the LOF indicator also changes color).
Previously used guided waypoints can now be recalled even if some were outside FOV (demo).
By request, as long as you have Tactical HUD mode active, parts that have been damaged for whatever reason (like... being shot :P) now retain a box around their integrity display in your parts list until your next action, so that you can more easily recall what has just taken damage (demo).
I've activated this behavior by default, but if it bothers you you can deactivate it in advanced.cfg using partDamageIndicatorsRetained.
Also by request, we now have the ability to add custom log notes!
Log notes could later be expanded in a number of ways depending on player needs, but the primary purpose behind its current form is to allow you to leave in-game notes about what you were doing at the end of a play session, making it easier to pick up where you left off next time.
This feature is currently only accessible via Shift-Alt-z, but we'll be later getting a new menu system for easier access to all Shift-Alt key combo features, including mouse accessibility.
And no, your notes do not appear in the final scoresheet at this time (they're excluded from log output and only appear in game).
I've updated any Mines reward encounters that required randomly visiting a hidden location, which encouraged the optimal tactic of scouring every inch of the Mines in search of them, especally in the hope of uncovering the famous early Exp. Sensor Array.
As you can see, the event is now triggered by rifling through some visible Scrap. The original behavior was meant as a placeholder until there was a better solution--now we have one :)
We've got a couple little special mode updates as well. First of all a dedicated indicator for when your built-in sensors are being jammed, since the normal indicator was attached to sensor parts, which you may not even need in RPGLIKE mode :P
Player 2 now displays their parts with raw integrity values rather than as percentages.


I've been doing a lot of streaming over the past months, about half of it Cogmind-related. In fact, we'll be starting a new run today, not long after Beta 10 is officially released here :)
Past streams are archived on my YouTube channel, including the relatively recent Magneto run where we go for that achievement, some RIF runs, and others checking out the new ambient audio, including one dev testing stream.
Many others have been streaming lately as well, including MTF, Tone, Valguris and other top players. The Discord is a good place to get a heads up on streams and when people are planning to go live.
For those of you out there interested in the latest flavor of cheese, Pimski has put together an Exiles Kill Guide demonstrating a new pastime among Cogmind's more brazen and greedy (and evil!) players.
As per the announcement last month, the leaderboards are back in action and better than ever. I'll be continuing to expand their features down the line.
The next leaderboard reset will come tomorrow now that Beta 10 is out! All the current scores are from the Beta 9 builds (although the separate patron leaderboards include some Beta 10 and prerelease runs).

The Road to More

Thanks to all patrons and players for your support!
We've still got that OP rating, so the next goal still stands. Keep the reviews coming :D
Reminder: There will eventually be a big free expansion happening that adds Merchants (in fact there are a growing number of references in the game foreshadowing their arrival, including more in this release ;)), though I haven't yet decided for sure whether it will be before or after 1.0.
Regardless, we've got lots and lots of plans, both small and large, still out there just waiting for some attention...
submitted by Kyzrati to Cogmind [link] [comments]

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Free Weekend FAQ + Quickstart and Buyer's Guide | June 2019

Hello there new players and welcome to Rainbow6! This post will help guide you in the right direction during the start of your Siege experience by providing you with useful information, answering common questions, and directing you to other helpful resources.
Below the general Free Weekend FAQ, you will be able to find a shortened version of our New Player's Guide and our Buyer's Guide.
Are you looking for other players to play with? Join the official Rainbow 6 Discord server!
If you have any question, make sure to ask in the comments below as other will likely have similar questions!

Free Weekend FAQ

At what times will the Free Weekend be accessible?
PC: June 6th, 05:00 PM UTC - June 9th, 08:00 PM UTC
PS4: June 6th, 01:00 PM UTC - June 10th, 01:00 PM UTC
XB1: June 6th, 08:01 AM UTC - June 10th, 07:59 AM UTC
Note: click times to convert to your timezone.
How do I access the Free Weekend?
PC: Go to your Uplay PC Launcher.
PS4: Join the Free Weekend by visiting the Rainbow Six Siege product page on the PlayStation Network. PlayStation Plus membership is required to play online.
XB1: The Free Weekend will be available to Xbox Live Gold users. To join in, visit the Rainbow Six Siege product page on the Xbox Store.
Can I play with friends?
You can play with anyone who already owns the game or other Free Weekend players.
Will there be special offers during the Free Weekend?
Siege will be available at a discount for a limited time.
PC (Ubisoft Store): June 5th - June 17th
PC (Steam): June 6th - June 10th
PS4: June 7th - June 17th
XB1: June 7th - June 17th
Will my progress from the Free Weekend carry over if I buy the full game?
All progress will carry over if you upgrade to the full game.
What content is available?
The free version of Rainbow Six Siege offers access to all of the maps, modes, and Operators present in the full version.

New Player's Guide

This is a shortened version of our full New Player's. If you're looking for more detailed information, check out our subreddit wiki!
Getting Started
1. Watch all three tutorials
The tutorial videos provide a quick overview of the important details of the game and provide you with 200 renown (the currency that you will need to unlock things in the game) for each that you watch. They are short, well made, and explain the basics of the gameplay.
2. Play through the first 5 or so Situations
Focus on learning the controls and paying attention to the map layouts as these are the same maps as multiplayer. Do not stress if you cannot complete all three stars in each situation the first try, you can always come back to them. The difficulty for these situations also does not matter, but normal is suggested so you can get familiar to the controls. You may want to do more than five of the situations, but you likely should not do any less.
3. Buy Operators and prepare loadouts
Use the Renown earned from the tutorials and Situations to buy some Operators. Ideally, you would want to buy at least one for Attack and one for Defence. Scroll down for some suggestions on who to pick.
Don't forget to set up your attachments for your newly owned Operators, they will be available to you for free.
4. Accept weekly challenges
These are found by first clicking the Daily Challenges tab then clicking "More Challenges" under the Daily Challenge pop up. After you complete the challenge, open the challenge window back up and click "Complete". You must do this to receive your reward.
5. Play Terrorist Hunt to try out your Operators
Most of the Terrorist Hunt modes only use Attackers. You can change your Terrorist Hunt matchmaking settings by going to Settings > Matching making preferences and turning off whatever Terrorist Hunt modes you don't want to play.
6. Go into Casual
You're likely not going to do very well -- that's completely okay. Siege has a pretty significant learning curve to it, especially during the first few matches. During your early matches, you should focus on learning maps, getting familiar with the controls, and understanding the flow of the game. Use your drones often, don't forget to destroy defender cameras if you spot any, try to communicate with your teammates to the best of your ability, learn from your deaths, and don't sweat misplays.

Operators Great for New Players
Play through some situations first as they are easy ways to gain renown try out operators' abilities. For new players, set-and-forget abilities or abilities that are less complicated are usually better, as well as guns with lower recoil.
New players should avoid defenders such as Tachanka, Pulse, and Castle; their abilities require outstanding map knowledge to use effectively.

Quick Tips

Buyer's Guide

How do seasons and Operations work?
Each year is divided into four seasons with each season being roughly 3 months long. Each season introduces a new Operation which includes two new Operators, a new or reworked map, and new cosmetic items. At the start of each season, ranks reset and placements must be completed again. Year Pass owners get the new Operators the when the Operation starts while everyone else will have to wait a week to purchase them for 25,000 Renown or 600 R6 Credits.
The current Operation is Burnt Horizon which is the first season of Year 4 (Y4S1).
What is included in the Year 4 Pass?
Here's an image of what is included with the Year 4 Pass
- All 8 Year 4 Operators at no additional cost as they are launched
- One-week early access to the new Operators as they are launched
- 600 R6 Credits
- Lava Six Weapon Charm
- 8 new uniforms and headgears for the new Operators (as they are added)
- 5% Renown bonus (expires January 31st, 2020)
- 10% Store discount on purchases with Renown or R6 Credits (expires January 31st, 2020)
- 2 extra slots to hold daily challenges (expires Jan 31st, 2020)
- +0.3% Alpha Pack boost (expires Jan 31st, 2020)
The Year 4 roadmap will be revealed this upcoming Sunday.
Is the Year 4 Pass mandatory for a full Siege experience?
No, all content is still accessible without it. The main reason to buy the Year 4 Pass is the free access to new Operators instead of saving up to buy them with Renown.
Does the Year 3 Pass also include Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3 Operators?
No. They can either be bought with Renown or R6 Credits.
How do I buy new maps?
Maps are completely free and everyone will have access to them at the same time.
How can I get all the Operators from Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3?
Older DLC Operators can be bought in separate bundles for 2400 R6 Credits each ($20 USD, discounts when buying larger amounts). Each bundle includes the respective eight Operators from that Year.
Alternatively, you can buy Year 1 Operators for 15,000 Renown (approximately 22 hours of game time) or 360 R6 Credits ($3 USD, discounts when buying larger amounts) as they are on a temporary sale until March 4th, 2019. Year 2 & 3 DLC Operators can be bought for 25,000 Renown (approximately 30 hours of game time) or 600 R6 Credits ($5 USD, discounts when buying larger amounts).
Does it matter where I buy the game from (Steam/Ubisoft Store)? PC only
No. For PC, all purchasers through Steam/Ubisoft Store will still all play against each other. You must install and run Uplay no matter where you buy the game from on PC.
Can I buy the Year 3 pass (or other DLC) from Steam if I own the game through UPlay? PC only
No, if you own the game through Uplay, you cannot buy any DLC from Steam as it will not provide you with a key for the DLC.

Information about the Game Editions

Note: Year 3 Editions will be replaced with Year 4 equivalents within the next few weeks.
Comparison chart for the different editions
Standard Edition
Deluxe Edition
Gold Edition (Year 4)
Ultimate Edition

Team Finding

Looking for people to group up and play with or maybe just talk about Siege and ask questions? Come join the official Rainbow Six: Siege Discord!
There are dedicated channels for helping new players (#training-ground), serious Siege talk (#serious-game-discussion), looking-for-group-channels for each region and platform, as well as channels to stay up to date on Siege news.
submitted by jeypiti to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

Free Weekend FAQ + Quickstart and Buyer's Guide | February 2019

Hello there new players and welcome to /Rainbow6! This post will help guide you in the right direction during the start of your Siege experience by providing you with useful information, answering common questions, and directing you to other helpful resources.
Below the general Free Weekend FAQ, you will be able to find a shortened version of our New Player's Guide and our Buyer's Guide.
Are you looking for other players to play with? Join the official Rainbow 6 Discord server!
If you have any question, make sure to ask in the comments below as other will likely have similar questions!

Free Weekend FAQ

At what times will the Free Weekend be accessible?
PC: February 14th, 05:00 PM UTC - February 17th, 08:00 PM UTC
PS4: February 14th, 01:00 PM UTC - February 18th, 01:00 PM UTC
XB1: February 14th, 08:01 AM UTC - February 18th, 07:59 AM UTC
Note: click times to convert to your timezone.
How do I access the Free Weekend?
PC: Go to your Uplay PC Launcher.
PS4: Join the Free Weekend by visiting the Rainbow Six Siege product page on the PlayStation Network. PlayStation Plus membership is required to play online.
XB1: The Free Weekend will be available to Xbox Live Gold users. To join in, visit the Rainbow Six Siege product page on the Xbox Store.
Can I play with friends?
You can play with anyone who already owns the game or other Free Weekend players.
Will there be special offers during the Free Weekend?
Siege will be available at a discount for a limited time.
PC (Ubisoft Store): February 12th - February 25th
PC (Steam): February 12th - February 18th
PS4: February 12th - March 12th
XB1: February 12th - March 4th
Will my progress from the Free Weekend carry over if I buy the full game?
All progress will carry over if you upgrade to the full game.

New Player's Guide

This is a shortened version of our full New Player's. If you're looking for more detailed information, check out our subreddit wiki!
Getting Started
1. Watch all three tutorials
The tutorial videos provide a quick overview of the important details of the game and provide you with 200 renown (the currency that you will need to unlock things in the game) for each that you watch. They are short, well made, and explain the basics of the gameplay.
2. Play through the first 5 or so Situations
Focus on learning the controls and paying attention to the map layouts as these are the same maps as multiplayer. Do not stress if you cannot complete all three stars in each situation the first try, you can always come back to them. The difficulty for these situations also does not matter, but normal is suggested so you can get familiar to the controls. You may want to do more than five of the situations, but you likely should not do any less.
3. Buy Operators and prepare loadouts
Use the Renown earned from the tutorials and Situations to buy some Operators. Ideally, you would want to buy at least one for Attack and one for Defence. Scroll down for some suggestions on who to pick.
Don't forget to set up your attachments for your newly owned Operators, they will be available to you for free.
4. Accept weekly challenges
These are found by first clicking the Daily Challenges tab then clicking "More Challenges" under the Daily Challenge pop up. After you complete the challenge, open the challenge window back up and click "Complete". You must do this to receive your reward.
5. Play Terrorist Hunt to try out your Operators
Most of the Terrorist Hunt modes only use Attackers. You can change your Terrorist Hunt matchmaking settings by going to Settings > Matching making preferences and turning off whatever Terrorist Hunt modes you don't want to play.
6. Go into Casual
You're likely not going to do very well -- that's completely okay. Siege has a pretty significant learning curve to it, especially during the first few matches. During your early matches, you should focus on learning maps, getting familiar with the controls, and understanding the flow of the game. Use your drones often, don't forget to destroy defender cameras if you spot any, try to communicate with your teammates to the best of your ability, learn from your deaths, and don't sweat misplays.

Operators Great for New Players
Play through some situations first as they are easy ways to gain renown try out operators' abilities. For new players, set-and-forget abilities or abilities that are less complicated are usually better, as well as guns with lower recoil.
New players should avoid defenders such as Tachanka, Pulse, and Castle; their abilities require outstanding map knowledge to use effectively.

Quick Tips

Buyer's Guide

How do seasons and Operations work?
Each year is divided into four seasons with each season being roughly 3 months long. Each season introduces a new Operation which includes two new Operators, a new or reworked map, and new cosmetic items. At the start of each season, ranks reset and placements must be completed again. Year Pass owners get the new Operators the when the Operation starts while everyone else will have to wait a week to purchase them for 25,000 Renown or 600 R6 Credits.
The current Operation is Wind Bastion which is the fourth season of Year 3 (Y3S4). Year 4 will be coming up in the next few weeks.
What is included in the Year 4 Pass?
Here's an image of what is included with the Year 4 Pass
- All 8 Year 4 Operators at no additional cost as they are launched
- One-week early access to the new Operators as they are launched
- 600 R6 Credits
- Volcano Signature Weapon Skin (available until March 4th, 2019)
- Lava Six Weapon Charm
- 8 new uniforms and headgears for the new Operators (as they are added)
- 5% Renown bonus (expires January 31st, 2020)
- 10% Store discount on purchases with Renown or R6 Credits (expires January 31st, 2020)
- 2 extra slots to hold daily challenges (expires Jan 31st, 2020)
- +0.3% Alpha Pack boost (expires Jan 31st, 2020)
The Year 4 roadmap will be revealed this upcoming Sunday.
Is the Year 4 Pass mandatory for a full Siege experience?
No, all content is still accessible without it. The main reason to buy the Year 4 Pass is the free access to new Operators instead of saving up to buy them with Renown.
Does the Year 3 Pass also include Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3 Operators?
No. They can either be bought with Renown or R6 Credits.
How do I buy new maps?
Maps are completely free and everyone will have access to them at the same time.
How can I get all the Operators from Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3?
Older DLC Operators can be bought in separate bundles for 2400 R6 Credits each ($20 USD, discounts when buying larger amounts). Each bundle includes the respective eight Operators from that Year.
Alternatively, you can buy Year 1 Operators for 15,000 Renown (approximately 22 hours of game time) or 360 R6 Credits ($3 USD, discounts when buying larger amounts) as they are on a temporary sale until March 4th, 2019. Year 2 & 3 DLC Operators can be bought for 25,000 Renown (approximately 30 hours of game time) or 600 R6 Credits ($5 USD, discounts when buying larger amounts).
Does it matter where I buy the game from (Steam/Ubisoft Store)? PC only
No. For PC, all purchasers through Steam/Ubisoft Store will still all play against each other. You must install and run Uplay no matter where you buy the game from on PC.
Can I buy the Year 3 pass (or other DLC) from Steam if I own the game through UPlay? PC only
No, if you own the game through Uplay, you cannot buy any DLC from Steam as it will not provide you with a key for the DLC.

Information about the Game Editions

Note: Year 3 Editions will be replaced with Year 4 equivalents within the next few weeks.
Comparison chart for the different editions
Standard Edition
Deluxe Edition
Gold Edition (Year 4)
Ultimate Edition

Team Finding

Looking for people to group up and play with or maybe just talk about Siege and ask questions? Come join the official Rainbow Six: Siege Discord!
There are dedicated channels for helping new players (#training-ground), serious Siege talk (#serious-game-discussion), looking-for-group-channels for each region and platform, as well as channels to stay up to date on Siege news.
submitted by jeypiti to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

emp jammer slot machine 2020 video

2020 latest Multi Frequency Emp jammer for slot for fish ... EMP generator slot machine jammer for sale in 2020 - YouTube Sale of the latest slot machine jammer in 2020 - YouTube Slot machine jammer purchase The latest emp generator in 2020 2020 newest emp jammer three-speed mixing slot machine ... Where to buy the latest emp jammer slot machine jammer in 2020 2020 Multifunctional iPhone jammer EMP slot jammer for sale

EMP jammer can interfere with a variety of electronic equipment, which is known to all.Here we talk about how EMP pulse interferer works on slot machine Function 1:Add Score on slot machines or any other table games machine ,Pulse jammer powerful pulse energy can interfere with the level signal of the circuit to we designs and manufactures emp generator ,slot machine jammer,emp generator for sale,jammer emp how to used 2016 new hot emp jammers. Longba technology, specializing in the production and sales of various kinds of slot machine jammers, slot machine remote control, fishing machine remote control, fishing machine jammer, pinball machine jammer, Laba machine jammer and other high-tech electronic products. WhatsApp:+8618837103250 Multi Frequency Emp jammer for slot for fish games Touch sensing type. Posted on June 5, 2020. June 17, 2020. by cts2001. No32 EMP Jammer is a Integrated circuit Multi frequency EMP generator .with mini size and battery removable can used on. Continue reading. 2020 EMP Generator for slot fish table jammer emp jammer slot machine ... 2018 emp slot machine jammer for sale digital emp generator for multi frequency CTS01 $ 200.00 $ 140.00 Add to cart; Add to Wishlist. Sale! 2018 new type emp generator anti alarm and with voltage ... mini emp device emp jammer vending machine 2020 EMP Jammer slot. Mini emp jammer 27V Low power mini size. Saved by Walter. 2. Vending Machine Slot Machine Generators For Sale Custom Guns Electronics Projects Usb Flash Drive Ocean Spy Crocodile.

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2020 latest Multi Frequency Emp jammer for slot for fish ...

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emp jammer slot machine 2020

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